The initial improvement from Tissue Salts is often experienced between seconds to three days of taking the remedy. The right remedy in the right place at the right time creates results. Getting early successes with your client on one or two of their symptoms gives them confidence to continue with your treatment plan. Chronic cases in particular will often practitioner hop. Early successes in your treatment plan will give them confidence to work with you over the term of the full treatment.
I was well looked after, I came to the course with Migraines which also affected my eyes. Robyn saw to it that I was comfortable, and built my confidence in continuing the course.
Benefits – Biochemic Therapy will create a great addition to my complimentary Therapies as well as building a great healing repertoire for family and friends.
So if you are a bodyworker, you will learn lots of tips for helping your clients reduce pain and move easier.
Fix it, -. In order for a client to be fixed they need to do something – a technique or a medication or surgery. This will “fix” them. This assumes that “they” are broken, which they are not.
Helper –Clients in this model will ask for Help, and may want to take some responsibility for their health. Some of these will transition with coaching to the next stage. These clients could test your boundaries for your own time if you are in practice if you are a people pleaser. There are different ways that this will show up in practice – building a big practice with more and more clients who you are “helping”, may feed an addiction to your work or pleasing people. Your worth is often based on pleasing your clients, you feel good from what people think well of you, but your self-worth and energy levels may suffer if they don’t. You can assist your helper by teaching them in small chunks how they can start to support their own health, and Tissue salts is great to give them tips and tricks of how to use the tissue salts applicable to their life. Then you can get on with the bigger role of supporting them in the whole of their health.
Coaching and Transformation – the process of your client taking responsibility for their health and their life. These clients want to make significant changes in their life and are willing to do what it takes to do it. You need to walk your talk with these clients, choosing to work smarter not harder. They are often after mentors or coaches rather than gurus. Educating your clients helps them understand their pain, they start to see their choices, and feel empowered to use their knowledge to help themselves and their families, particularly in those times when your clinic is closed. When they are empowered this builds passive income from the tissue salts. Using this model, you can educate your clients about tissue salts so they can treat the basic conditions at home, leaving your time to concentrate when something significant that they can’t manage alone comes up in their life.
I was well looked after, I came to the course with Migraines which also affected my eyes. Robyn saw to it that I was comfortable, and built my confidence in continuing the course.
Benefits – Biochemic Therapy will create a great addition to my complimentary Therapies as well as building a great healing repertoire for family and friends.
I was well looked after, I came to the course with Migraines which also affected my eyes. Robyn saw to it that I was comfortable, and built my confidence in continuing the course.
Benefits – Biochemic Therapy will create a great addition to my complimentary Therapies as well as building a great healing repertoire for family and friends.