This course taught in conjunction with the Institute of Biochemic Medicine and is approved and accredited by the following organisations:
Knowing and understanding the Biochemic principles means that you understand why your prescription is or isn’t working. It also helps you understand what the next step is, and it may even help you know if your client is taking the minerals or not.
Understanding the minerals role in the body means you have a much greater ability to prescribe accurately.
This course enables you to be a Biochemic Practitioner after passing your final assessment. and it makes a great addition to your other modalities. Of course, before you practice you must also check your local, state or national legal requirements, Professional Associations membership requirements or Insurance requirements for practitioners. The Institute of Biochemic Medicine has agreements with various professional associations in a number of countries, so contact them regarding these questions.
If you are already a practitioner, meeting your local legal requirements, you may need to let your professional association and insurance provider know for insurance purposes and legal requirements.
Dr. (Med) Wilhelm Heinrich Schuessler (1821-1898) was a Medical Doctor, Midwife, and Homoeopath. Schuessler was convinced that missing inorganic mineral salts would result in illness. He was inspired by the works of Ductch physiologist Jacob Moleschott who realised that phosphorus was essential for the nervous system. and Rudolf Virchow, who stated in his work “Cellular Pathology” (which remains relevent today) that “every sickness or illness is a result of a disruption of the cells” and Schuessler was convinced that the missing inorganic mineral salts would result in illness, so if you “add the missing mineral salt, you normalize cell metabolism”
His research analysing the bodys mineral content confirmed the connection between the change of minerals and the casue of illness.
In 1873 he published his results “A shortened therapy based on Histology and Cellular Pathology.
The Biologist Guenther Carl Stahlkopf scientifically proved Schuessler’s theory in 1972 by experimenting with (No1) Calcium Fluoride, (No3) Ferrum Phosphate and (No11) Silica on mono-cells. Depke and hickethier have also confirmed and added to the Facial signs and symptoms recognised by Dr Schuessler for the mineral Deficiencies.